
常滑焼 大型急須 / Tokoname yaki large teapot

¥11,000 税込












This large teapot is made from traditional Japanese Tokoname yaki. It features a simple yet beautiful design, and its presence shines on any table. It is carefully handmade to bring out the rich taste of the hot water.

This teapot contains the thoughts of craftsmen. Tokoname-yaki's beautiful color and texture are the result of skillful techniques and a long history.

The time you spend making tea with this teapot will be a special time to spend a moment in your daily life. The scent of tea brewed by your hands and the sound of hot water being poured from a teapot will soothe your soul.

This large Tokoname ware teapot, a traditional Japanese craft, will transform your tea time into a luxurious moment. Please cherish your encounter with this beautiful work.


Q : What is Tokoname yaki?
A : Tokoname yaki is a traditional pottery pottery centered in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. At the end of the Heian period (794-1185), anagama kilns spread across the hills of the Chita Peninsula around Tokoname, known as the "Six Ancient Kilns of Japan" (Seto, Tokoname, Shigaraki, Tanba, Bizen, and Echizen). Tea bowls and pots were made. Pottery made in this period is called Ko-Tokoname. Medieval Tokoname kiln was the largest production area at that time, and was characterized by large plates and bowls. During the Muromachi period, production expanded, and large-scale jars and pots could be obtained by ship to remote areas. In the Edo era, the number of ceramics made with true ware increased, and in the Meiji period, flat kilns and mechanization were introduced, salt-grilled products appeared, clay pipes, shochu bottles, architectural ceramics, and sanitary wares appeared, evolving into a modern industry. Technology and production progressed rapidly in the future, leading to the current situation.

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¥11,000 税込
